Blog about Writing Tips

Need to write a paper, but don’t know what topic to choose, what to write, or how to organize your thoughts? Check out our blog and find the right article to satisfy your scholarly needs. A huge range of topics, useful information and writing tips – everything you might need for crafting an excellent paper and getting a highest grade.

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Resume services test publish

How Resumes Differ From Country To Country

Just how important is having a country-specific resume to your chances of getting employed? Can the resume that got you a job in the UK be used for the Australian job market? Do you really have to…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

How Far Back Should Your Resume Go?

I recently came across a resume that listed a summer cashier position in 1976 as part of a person’s “professional experience.” While it may seem a little strange or ridiculous to…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Advantages and Disadvantages of Temporary Employment

So you have left your job without a new job to go to. You haven’t done this before, your funds are starting to get rather low and you need a short term job right this very minute. Or you are bored…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Applying For Jobs But No One Calls Me Back

Do you currently find yourself in a position of applying for multiple jobs every single day yet never seem to get a call back or interview request? Why does this happen? If you have the right skills…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Essential Criteria To Include In Your Resume

When it comes time to write your resume, you will find that a lot of people will offer differing advice on what to include and exclude from your resume. Sure, a lot of these thoughts are subjective,…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Google Can Be Your Best Friend Or Your Worst Enemy When It Comes To Job Searching

I recently “googled” my name and found an assortment of results come up that I didn’t even realize were out there and visible to the public. Social media sites, registries I created, and…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Education Vs Work Experience on a Resume: What Comes First?

A lot of people find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to formatting the content on their resumes. Is it better to list your education first or your professional experience? Like most answers,…

4th Jun 2018


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Situational Job Interview Questions

Situational interview questions, more commonly known as “hypothetical interview questions” are questions an interviewer uses to find out how you would approach certain problems if they were to…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Employer Interview Questions

With the current economic climate and changing job market, employers have now started to alter the types of questions they ask in interviews. With hundreds of Internet pages dedicated to types of…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

How To Nail The Telephone Interview

Phone interviews are becoming increasingly popular as a means of narrowing down candidates for a more traditional face to face interview. In the ultra competitive society we now live, a job…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

How To Stand Out During the Job Interview

Preparing For The Job Interview Congratulations! You have been invited for the interview. Now what do you do? The first step is beginning to research the company. Once you have done this you will be…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Job Application Timesavers

The job search process can be an exciting, yet daunting task for job seekers. Those re-entering the job search market – and those entering for the first time – are finding that applying for a job…

4th Jun 2018


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