Published: 4th Jun 2018 | Last Updated: 11th Sep 2018 | Views: 192
Resume services test publish
So you have left your job without a new job to go to. You haven’t done this before, your funds are starting to get rather low and you need a short term job right this very minute. Or you are bored of working in the same environment day in and day out and are looking for some variety? Or you have a wildly exciting overseas trip planned in 8 months, have left your current role and know you can not commit to a permanent position at this moment. Or unfortunately you have just been made redundant (or even worse fired) and you would like to bounce straight into another role.
All of the above (and many more) are reasons for why people seek temporary (more commonly known as ‘temp’) employment. Right, you say – I can understand that, but what exactly is temp work?
Temporary employment refers to an employment situation whereby the employee is expected to leave within a certain period of time. Temporary workers may be employed directly by an employer or by private agencies. In such situation, one will need to create a combination resume, which would be very helpful. Agencies will recruit, select and sometimes even train temporary workers and hire them out to employers. It is the perfect vehicle for a person to put on different hats, work in a broad range of different business and possibly even add new skills and experiences. Temporary workers are generally paid an hourly rate, are eligible for superannuation however as whole are not entitled to paid holiday leave or sick leave.
Temp work can be very fast paced and dynamic, with job opportunities coming and going literally every day. If you are as flexible as you can possibly be, you should have no trouble finding a temporary position to begin work in.
Temp work does not appeal to everyone, however if you love variety and get bored of sitting at the same desk every day then it could be an option for you!
Resume services test publish
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