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Resume services test publish

Pimp My Resume

Is your resume not getting you the job interviews you had hoped for? Are you applying for hundreds of jobs online but not receiving a single phone call? If you have the skills and experience to…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Job Interview Question – How do you deal with stressful situations?

How do you deal with stressful situations is a fantastic interview question and one that is used by hiring managers in all industries throughout the world. While this question is similar to do you…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Information Technology Resume Writing For Students and Graduates

An IT specific resume is different to a regular resume for a number reasons and ensuring that your IT resume is written, formatted and presented correctly is fundamental to standing out from your…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Including Key Achievements in your Resume

If I had a dollar for every resume I saw that did not include “key achievements”, I would be a very wealthy resume writer! Failing to include key achievements throughout your resume is a recipe…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Ice Breaking Job Interview Questions

When you first enter the interview, the opening question is always designed to introduce yourself so you feel comfortable in the surroundings before the questions become more specific. Generally…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

How Resumes Differ From Country To Country

Just how important is having a country-specific resume to your chances of getting employed? Can the resume that got you a job in the UK be used for the Australian job market? Do you really have to…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

How Far Back Should Your Resume Go?

I recently came across a resume that listed a summer cashier position in 1976 as part of a person’s “professional experience.” While it may seem a little strange or ridiculous to…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Advantages and Disadvantages of Temporary Employment

So you have left your job without a new job to go to. You haven’t done this before, your funds are starting to get rather low and you need a short term job right this very minute. Or you are bored…

4th Jun 2018


Resume services test publish

Applying For Jobs But No One Calls Me Back

Do you currently find yourself in a position of applying for multiple jobs every single day yet never seem to get a call back or interview request? Why does this happen? If you have the right skills…

4th Jun 2018


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